24-Hour Service Hotline : +86-755-23456789

Payment methods

Cash, WeChat, Alipay, Unionpay, VISA, Mastercard.

Currency exchange locations

  • The 1st floor of the international arrivals hall (Travelex 1H-01-01)

  • The 2nd floor of the domestic arrivals hall (YunForex 2H-09-02)

  • The east side of the 4th floor check-in hall (Travelex 4R-03-09)

  • The west side of the 4th floor check-in hall (YunForex 4L-03-08)

  • The 3rd floor east wing (United Money 3R-02-02)


  • 2nd floor of the Ground Transportation Center (China Construction Bank)

  • The east side of the 4th floor check-in hall (ICBC)

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